Livre Vital Guide - Bombers of the 20th Century
Airline AP73865
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Fiche technique Livre Vital Guide - Bombers of the 20th Century
Marque | Airline |
Référence | AP73865 |
Type de produit | Livre sur les avions |
Description du produit : Livre Vital Guide - Bombers of the 20th Century
Livre Vital Guide - Bombers of the 20th Century
A handy guide to the bombers from WWI to the end of the 20th century.
Jim Winchester's slim 110-page Bombers of the 20th Century finally shines the spotlight on these frequently neglected planes, ranging from the Depression-era Keystone biplane to the feared Nazi Stuka dive bomber of WWII all the way up to the Russian supersonic giant Blackjack and the feared American F-117 stealth fighter and more.
Each aircraft is given a full-page entry with two photos, a specs chart, and development and operational narrative.
Recommended to any afficianado of military aviation.
Auteur : Jim Winchester
Editeur : Airlife
ISBN : 1-84034-386-5
Langue : English
Taille : 14.50x23.10cm
Nombre de pages : 110
Nombre de photos : 50
Reliure : Broché
Date de parution : 00/07/2005
Référence : 73865
Autres appellations : AP73865 - AP73865 - 73865
Livre sur les avions
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